Friday, 14 November 2014

The Hangover Curing Foods

It's one of those mornings that you all are familiar with after a crazy night: nausea, sensitivity to light, headache, achy muscles, diarrhea... Read our amazing hangover curing drinks and foods tips, instead spending the next day on the couch or hunched over a toilet. 

Photo: tips21

Drinks That Help


Water is the No.1 on your hangover curing list. Alcohol pushes liquids out of the body. When nothing's left in the water tank, the body will draw water from any available source, including the brain, which leads to headache. So, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Photo: infinitelegroom

Sports Drinks

Sports Drinks loads of fluid-balancing electrolytes, which is what your body needs after too many drinks.

Photo: awordonnutrition

Coconut Water

Coconut Water is insanely hydrating, and one box contains rich potassium, which is the key nutrient for feeling better fast.

Photo: brandrepublic

Ginger and Peppermint Tea

Ginger can help to ease nausea by acting as a anti-inflammatory in the digestive system and blocking serotonin receptors in the stomach. Peppermint is a digestive aid that helps to relieve tension, bloating and other unpleasantries in the stomach. Ginger and peppermint both will sped up the detoxification process.

Photo: paperblog

Fruit Juice

The fiber from fruit aids your body in breaking down and absorbing the remains of last night's alcohol. In addition, fructose helps to boost the body's energy and increases the rate at which the body gets rid of alcohol's toxins.

Photo: widewallpaper

Foods That Help


Eggs provide protein to help stabilize blood sugar, while the cystine in protein may help to clean up leftover toxins in the process. Plus, eggs are high in B vitamins, which one study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found can reduce hangover symptoms.

Photo: dailymail


Bananas provide necessarily electrolytes lost during heaving drinking last night and improve muscle function. They are easy on the stomach and contain a ton of potassium - one of those electrolytes that may have gone down the drain in the morning.

Photo: scoopempire


Honey is loaded with antioxidants and concentrated fructose, which will help flush any remaining alcohol out of your body quickly. For the ultimate cure, spread some on a slice of wholemeal toast.

Photo: blog.selfrelianceoutfitters


When you drink, your liver is busy metabolizing your alcohol and can't always regulate your blood sugar. It leads your body moody and drained of energy. Your liver will be grateful for a few slices of toast in the morning after.

Photo: melovewholesale


Oatmeal contains potassium, which you may need after getting sick in the morning. To double down on the healing effects, top that bowl of oatmeal with some banana slices.

Photo: diet.lovetoknow

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