Wednesday, 11 February 2015

6 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

You may have inherited your parents' slow metabolism, but you're not stuck with it. If anyone has ever told you that you're stuck with your slow metabolism, they're WRONG. 

So take control of your metabolism. Here are some surprising metabolism hacks:

1. Get Your Giggle On

Genuine laughter may cause a 10-20 percent increase in basal energy expenditure and resting heart rate. That means a 10-15 minute giggle fest could burn up 40 to 170 calories. Let's lol!

2. Cool It In The Bedroom

Simply turning on the AC may subtly transform a person's stores of brown fat - "good" fat, stimulated by cold temperatures, that serves to keep us warm by burning through "bad" fat stores. A new study found that when men slept in cooler conditions, it gave their metabolism a boost. "Just by sleeping in a colder room, they gained metabolic advantages", says Francesco S. Celi, M.D., lead author of the study. 

3. Spicy Up Meals

It's well known that fiery capsaicin (=hot sauce, cayenne, chilies) can boost your metabolism. Spices like chili are thought to raise metabolism by up to 50 percent for up to three hours after eating, due to increasing your heart rate. 

4. Drink More Water

Drinking more water may increase the rate at which healthy people burn calories. After drinking approximately 17 ounces of water (about 2 tall glasses), metabolic rates could increase by 30 percent. The researchers estimate that increasing water intake by 1.5 liters a day (about 6 cups) would burn an extra 17,400 calories over the course of the year!

5. Eat Plenty Of Protein-rich Foods

Research shows that around 25 percent of calories in a protein-rich meal may be burnt off. But make sure you choose low-fat protein foods such as lean meat, skinless chicken and low-fat dairy products. 

6. Eat Little And Often

There's evidence that eating small, regular meals throughout the day, rather than one or two large meals, may help to keep your metabolism ticking over. Around 10 percent of the calories we use each day go on digesting and absorbing food - so the more times you eat, the greater this effect is likely to be. 

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