Monday, 20 October 2014

How To Make Better Selfies

Let's face it: everyone takes selfies (or GPOYs aka "gratuitous picture of yourself") - from celebrities to politicians to your best friend. 

Whether you're trying to show off a scenic background or just need a new profile picture, the selfie has become a staple of internet culture. Over one million selfies are taken each day.

The question is: How does one take a good selfie which constitutes likes, positive feedback and increases followers? LC gives you some quick tips to help you improve your selfie-taking skills.

Go check the tips and apps out, and start snapping!

1. Know your chocolate side

We all have a good side and bad angles. Downward angles should be avoided - double chins are flattering on no one. Shooting selfie from above can make your face look slimmer. Stick your neck out just a little, which will help eliminate the slight bulge under your chin. 

2. Use good light

Make sure you have perfect lighting for your selfie. Natural light is the best. Don't face the sun because you'll end up squinting. The sun should be behind you, so your face is highlighted. If you are indoors, find a window to stand in front of . 

3. Lengthen your body

Stick your hips to the side a bit and stand up straight. When in a chair, sit on the edge. Show off your shape, and don't shy away from showing off your figure. 

4. Background check

The background is just as important as the subject. This is especially common while taking mirror selfies.

5. Don't use the flash

Using the flash will completely overexpose the photos and wash you out, or reflect in the mirror. If there is no natural light, a lamp will work very well - as long as the light is coming from behind you. 

6. Play with filters

Once you have snapped the perfect selfie, choose a filter to enhance your facial features - highlighting your cheekbones or bringing out the color of your eyes. 

In addition, we have picked some apps that can help you take better selfies:


Photo: tropical post

Facetune is like Photoshop for your phone - teeth brightening, skin softening,  wrinkles smoothing and even changing hair color. 


Photo: gannett-cdn

CamMe lets you take pictures at a distance. The way CamMe works is by sensing your hand movement; so you stand back, raise your hand until the app recognizes the gesture, close it into a fist and then the app shoots a pic. 


Photo: pixtr
Pixtr is like Facetune, except Pixtr does everything for you in one fell swoop, slimming a nose or a jawline, trimming eyebrows, correcting camera distortion, everything that's needed to make you look like a glower version of yourself. 

Beauty Booth Pro

Photo: beauty booth pro

Beauty Booth Pro gives you not only skin corrections and eye effects, but also added stamps, speech bubbles, photo borders and filter effects. 

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